Saturday, February 5, 2011

Top 10 Television Ships

Played By: David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson
            If I’m being honest, my love of their relationship is about the only reason I got into this show.  Don’t get me wrong, it was a great show, but it got a little tedious at times.  This pairing is the definition of a slow burn.  They took forever to get together, but unlike most ‘will they/won’t they’ couples, they didn’t have silly, contrived obstacles in their way.  One didn’t pine away as the other remained oblivious.  They were just two people who respected and loved each other very much.  I think this pairing is so popular because it is atypical.  Compared to the sophomoric couples on TV today (House/Cuddy for example) Mulder and Scully are just refreshingly mature and subtle.  They were fundamentally different but they truly complemented each other.  There was no doubt that these two were made for each other and they got the point across without beating us over the head with it.  We need more pairings like this on television.
Best Episode to watch:  I’m partial to the first movie, actually.

1 comment:

  1. You got me wanting to do one of these now. They always seemed to have chemistry though I ws never a X-Files Person.
