Thursday, January 20, 2011

Top 10 Television Ships

I'm going to fully indulge my fangirly side and countdown my top ten tv pairings.  I was going to do my top movie pairings as well, but I only have about four or five movie pairings, so I'm just sticking with tv.  I'll do one pairing per post.  Here we go.

# 10
Played by: Dirk Benedict and Maren Jensen
            I have no justification for this one.  They were together for like the first third of the first episode and the rest of it was Starbuck ducking her in favor of (the far less beautiful) Cassiopeia, until Athena vanished from the show never to be mentioned again.  I adore everything about this show but their scenes together in the pilot instantly made me ship them.  I wish I didn’t because things really, really didn’t work out in my favor.  Oh, well.  I never pick the right pairings.  Anyway, I like them because she’s his best friend’s sister, he teaches her how to fly a viper, and she saves his life.  What more do you want?  The scene in the first episode where he tries to apologize to her and asks for a more serious relationship is the moment that truly got me.  I don’t understand why they included scenes in that episode that are so intimate but then spend the rest of the series back peddling on them.  Plus, they are so ridiculously hot.  Look at them.  Those are two gorgeous human beings.  They just look like a prince and a princess (because apparently I’m still five years old).
Best episode to watch:  Saga of a Star World

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