Sunday, February 20, 2011

Top 10 Television Ships

Played by: Matthew Rhys and Luke Macfarlane

            It’s too bad Brothers and Sisters is such a bad show because Kevin and Scotty is one of the most engaging couples on television.  If the whole show was about them, I would be happy.  Unfortunately, all those other awful characters exist and I have to suffer through them and their crappy storylines to get to some good K/S stories.  The show has followed this relationship from the beginning, from their rocky start to their journey to fatherhood.  I believe the producers even called Scotty Kevin’s ‘Mr. Big.’  I think that says it all.  Kevin had other boyfriends, but he just couldn’t stay away from Scotty.  They have not had an easy time of it.  Kevin can be neurotic and unintentionally cold and neglectful.  Scotty can be self righteous and holier than thou.  Never the less, they are always willing to give each other another chance because being apart hurts more than whatever it is the other has done.  This one of my few current ships that is still sailing and more than any other, I want them to make it to the end.  I just wish they were on a better show.  Like a spin off.
Episode to watch: Prior Commitments (Their wedding and the first gay wedding on primetime television between two regular cast members)

1 comment:

  1. I dont atually know much about them except what you have told me , and I even think this is the first time I ave seen the one. They sound really cool though. I love Gay power couples!
