Played by: Dwight Schultz and Melinda Culea
This is another one that I have no excuse for. They were never together, nor was it ever really teased. But, I love them together. I love them together because Amy, the only female in the cast, bonded the most with him, the goofy guy. She didn’t latch onto Face, the hot one, or Hannibal, the fearless leader. Nope, this brilliant woman liked to hang out with King of Crazy. She had good taste. Murdock was very flirty with her and she was always amused by his antics. She wasn’t on the show very long and even when she was, she didn’t get much screen time, but she got to team up with Murdock a lot because they were the only two of the group who weren’t fugitives. I feel like Murdock respected her and took her seriously in a way that the others never did. The others kind of talked down to her (though, that probably has more to do with the actors, than the characters). Murdock didn’t treat her like she was an idiot and Amy didn’t treat him like he was weird. They both accepted each other for who they were and they formed a close relationship despite being complete opposites.
Episode to watch: One More Time (basically, they spend nearly every second of their screen time together).
It doesnt matter if they were never together they still have chemistry and they cant take that away from you.