Thursday, February 24, 2011

Top 10 Television Ships

Played by: Gale Harold and Randy Harrison

            I normally do not like pairings where a sweet, naïve person melts the cold heart of the other.  It’s all a bit Beauty and the Beast.  But, these two are the exception.  I couldn’t help but be moved at their story.  Out of everyone in the entire world, Justin Taylor was the one to win Brian’s heart.  In all five seasons, Brian never fell in love with anyone else.  It wasn’t even close.  Yes, he loved Michael and he loved Lindsay, but Justin was different.  He forced Brian to believe in love and to trust someone else to be there for him and care for him.  He showed him that there was more to life than one night stands.  In return, Brian helped Justin grow up.  He gave him the confidence to fight for what he wanted and he taught him to be independent.  It took Brian five years to say ‘I love you’ but it didn’t matter because he didn’t have to say it.  Anyone could see it long before he said it.  They had a bittersweet ending but no matter what, they’ll never stop loving each other.

Episode to watch: They didn’t have episode names, but I’d go for the episode right after they get back together in season three, if only for the commentary by the other characters.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Top 10 Television Ships

Played by: Dwight Schultz and Melinda Culea

            This is another one that I have no excuse for.  They were never together, nor was it ever really teased.  But, I love them together.  I love them together because Amy, the only female in the cast, bonded the most with him, the goofy guy.  She didn’t latch onto Face, the hot one, or Hannibal, the fearless leader.  Nope, this brilliant woman liked to hang out with King of Crazy.  She had good taste.  Murdock was very flirty with her and she was always amused by his antics.  She wasn’t on the show very long and even when she was, she didn’t get much screen time, but she got to team up with Murdock a lot because they were the only two of the group who weren’t fugitives.  I feel like Murdock respected her and took her seriously in a way that the others never did.  The others kind of talked down to her (though, that probably has more to do with the actors, than the characters).  Murdock didn’t treat her like she was an idiot and Amy didn’t treat him like he was weird.  They both accepted each other for who they were and they formed a close relationship despite being complete opposites.
Episode to watch: One More Time (basically, they spend nearly every second of their screen time together).

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Top 10 Television Ships

Played by: Matthew Rhys and Luke Macfarlane

            It’s too bad Brothers and Sisters is such a bad show because Kevin and Scotty is one of the most engaging couples on television.  If the whole show was about them, I would be happy.  Unfortunately, all those other awful characters exist and I have to suffer through them and their crappy storylines to get to some good K/S stories.  The show has followed this relationship from the beginning, from their rocky start to their journey to fatherhood.  I believe the producers even called Scotty Kevin’s ‘Mr. Big.’  I think that says it all.  Kevin had other boyfriends, but he just couldn’t stay away from Scotty.  They have not had an easy time of it.  Kevin can be neurotic and unintentionally cold and neglectful.  Scotty can be self righteous and holier than thou.  Never the less, they are always willing to give each other another chance because being apart hurts more than whatever it is the other has done.  This one of my few current ships that is still sailing and more than any other, I want them to make it to the end.  I just wish they were on a better show.  Like a spin off.
Episode to watch: Prior Commitments (Their wedding and the first gay wedding on primetime television between two regular cast members)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Top 10 Television Ships

Played by: Arthur Darvill and Karen Gillan

            Doctor Who’s latest companions and the first married couple in the TARDIS.  I was shipping these two before they were introduced.  I had heard vague spoilers about them and saw a couple of pics but for some reason I immediately took to them as a couple.  I just knew they would end up married because otherwise it would just be a repeat of Rose/Mickey and why go there again?  Amy is a very closed off girl and doesn’t show her emotions easily.  You can tell how much she loves Rory but she just can’t say it.  Rory is so sweetly devoted to her and he knows all her issues but accepts her anyway.  Amy cried for him even when she couldn’t remember him.  Rory waited thousands of years for her.  Amy was willing to die based on the chance that she would see him again.  It’s all so dramatic and I eat up every second of it.  I’m so glad the show decided to go in a different direction instead of another ‘companion loves the Doctor’ plot.  Amy and Rory are a breath of fresh air.  They went through a lot in thirteen episodes but they still made it to ‘I do.’  I don’t know what series 6 will bring for them but I hope that whatever it is, they’ll make it through together.  They are the girl and boy who waited.
Episode to watch: Amy’s Choice

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Top 10 Television Ships

Played by: Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson

            Willow and Tara’s relationship was the first exposure I had to a same sex couple on television.  I can vividly remember watching my first episode of Buffy and slowly realizing that Willow and Tara were together. I don’t think or talk about this pairing too much because in the Buffyverse it all comes down to Buffy/Angel vs. Buffy/Spike and I have my loyalties in that debate but every time I go back to the show I am reminded of how loving Willow and Tara were and how much I counted on them just being together.  I enjoyed Willow’s other relationships but Tara was my favorite.  Tara is one of the most genuine characters I’ve ever seen and Willow is one of Joss Whedon’s most well developed characters.  I loved the way that magic was used as a metaphor throughout their whole relationship and I think the way they initially found their way to each other was beautifully done.  When Willow lost Tara, the pain was palpable.  Her death was incredibly shocking and Willow going off the deep end after it happened just showed how much Willow loved her and dark!Willow is my favorite arc of the series because of it.  Willow and Tara were everything.  They were sweet, they fought, they deceived each other, they let each other down, they helped each other up, but through it all they never stopped loving each other.  Even after Tara died, Willow never forgot.
Episode to watch: Two to Go (Okay, Tara’s already dead in this one, but Willow gives the most heartbreaking speech about her)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Top 10 Television Ships

Played By: David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson
            If I’m being honest, my love of their relationship is about the only reason I got into this show.  Don’t get me wrong, it was a great show, but it got a little tedious at times.  This pairing is the definition of a slow burn.  They took forever to get together, but unlike most ‘will they/won’t they’ couples, they didn’t have silly, contrived obstacles in their way.  One didn’t pine away as the other remained oblivious.  They were just two people who respected and loved each other very much.  I think this pairing is so popular because it is atypical.  Compared to the sophomoric couples on TV today (House/Cuddy for example) Mulder and Scully are just refreshingly mature and subtle.  They were fundamentally different but they truly complemented each other.  There was no doubt that these two were made for each other and they got the point across without beating us over the head with it.  We need more pairings like this on television.
Best Episode to watch:  I’m partial to the first movie, actually.