Monday, January 10, 2011

Full Circle

There's really no point to this.  I was just feeling reflective last night.

Last night, I saw a play that I hadn’t seen since I was six years old.  It was also the first play I had ever seen.  I remember not knowing what a play would be like, thinking it would be boring, and not wanting to go.  My dad made me go anyway.  And couple of hours later, I was completely in love with the theater.  The show was called “The Foreigner.”  It’s about a shy man who is staying at a lodge for a few days and to get out of having to talk to the other guests; he pretends he does not speak English.  Of course he overhears conversations that he shouldn’t and conflict and hilarity ensue.  It’s a very slapstick play.  What’s a better way to get a six year old’s attention than slapstick?
            The theater was stuck in my head from that moment on.  I had always loved movies and television, but this was a whole new area of entertainment for me.  Since then, I have been involved in a few productions and the feeling is wonderful.  Getting to see a show start from complete scratch is amazing.  You start on an empty stage wearing your normal clothes and reading from a script.  Within about a month a complete fictional world has been created around you.  That process feels like more of an accomplishment than getting a good grade on some meaningless test.  I sort of left it behind when I started high school but my love for it will never die.  The theater has helped shape me and I am glad that I got to go back and see the show that started it all.

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