Luke and Lorelai
Played by Lauren Graham and Scott Patterson
I believe that they were my second OTP ever. One of the few will they/won’t they couples that didn’t wreck the show once they got together. In fact, the show got better once they finally got together in season 5. Luke was in love with Lorelai from the start but Lorelai just couldn’t see what was right in front of her. Luke was such a gruff guy but you could always see his soft spot for Lorelai. They were great friends before anything else and their banter was always a highlight on the show. They would each show a little jealousy when the other was involved with someone else but they never tried to sabotage each other’s happiness. It was so clear how they perfectly complemented each other. Outwardly, Luke would grumble about Lorelai’s craziness but secretly he loved her for everything she was. Luke needed someone to let him enjoy life and indulge his own quirky side and Lorelai needed someone who would support her no matter what. They were partners through and through. Even when Lorelai married Christopher, it was clear that her heart was always with Luke. I’m thrilled that they ended up together; anything else would have been unacceptable.
Best Episode to Watch: Raincoats and Recipes. Ah, their first kiss and it was perfect.
Wow I didnt think they were going to be your number one couple very interesting! I did like them too. I love Lorelai I know she made you mad but she is one of my favorite TV characters.