Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Top 10 Television Ships

Played by Eric Dane and Sara Ramirez
Oh, these two drive me crazy.  I’ve been shipping them since Callie was married to George.  That’s a long time for me to hang on to a ship.  I don’t hold out any hope that they’ll ever really be together, but I have adored watching them get closer and closer to the best friends they are today.  Callie Torres is one of my favorite television characters of all time.  I am captivated whenever she’s onscreen.  I’ve watched her suffer season after season and through it all Mark is the only person in her life who has never abandoned her or let her down (that includes her own father, by the way).  Mark and Callie’s relationship started from scratch and the evolution has been wonderful.  They know they can lean on each other no matter what.  They have meaningful and dramatic scenes but they also have light and funny scenes.  Dane and Ramirez have so much chemistry that the very idea of putting them with other people is just crazy talk.  But, sadly Shonda is quite fluent in crazy talk.  Now, Callie is pregnant with Mark’s baby and I’m holding out hope that this baby will survive.  I’d like Arizona to go away, but as that won’t be happening at least I can tell myself that Mark and Callie will always be tied to each other, not only because of their love for each other but because of the child they will soon share.  That’s going to be one beautiful baby.  Plus, Ramirez makes Dane a better actor.  The best time to watch Mark is when he’s with Callie.  I’m very nervous about where their current storyline is headed, but I’m trying to be optimistic.
Best episode to watch:  I like you so much better when you’re naked.  (I think this episode perfectly shows their intimacy, their love, and their humor.) 

1 comment:

  1. I do think they are awesome sauce! They support each other!
